What should be done to get rid of parasites in the body?

Medicines and folk remedies to get rid of parasites in the body at home

Helminths are not just an unpleasant area for the body, but also a serious threat to health. We will tell you how dangerous they are, and how to get rid of them.

Helminths are not just an unpleasant area for the body, but also a serious threat to health.You can get rid of it with medications and some folk remedies that have long been known. Cleaning techniques are enough, but need to see a doctor in any case.

Where do Parasites Live?

In the human organism, there are up to 250 species of various parasites. The most common of these are tapeworms, cream worms, Trichinella, tapeworms, tapeworms.A large number come in with food: undercooked meat, half-cooked fish, unwashed fruits and vegetables.

Attention! Adult parasites most often live in the intestines, and larvae in internal organs.

As they move through the body, helminths and their larvae can enter the heart, liver, kidneys, and lungs.

Symptoms of helminth infection are:

  • general fatigue and weakness;
  • frequent headaches;
  • muscle pain;
  • snoring during sleep with clenched teeth;
  • depression, imbalance;
  • decreased immunity;
  • frequent hunger pangs;
  • a lot of saliva.

To finally confirm their presence, it is enough to submit the feces for analysis. Then you can use one of the methods to clean the body from parasites.

digestive problems with parasites

Inventory process

If a person is convinced that he has worms, you first need to perform the following procedure:

  • exclude fats, sweets and salty from the diet within 10 days;
  • drink at least two liters of water a day;
  • eliminate the appearance of constipation, you can take a mild laxative.

After that, you can choose a specific treatment method for worms.

Medication cleansing

The doctor, having determined the type of parasite and the complexity of the infection, may prescribe pharmaceutical preparations. They must be used strictly according to instructions.

Attention! You do not have to give the medicine yourself, as each type of pill has different contraindications and side effects.

Folk remedies

At home, there are various types of traditional medicine that will help cleanse the bodies of uninvited guests. You can choose the right one individually, taking into account the characteristics of the organism.


garlic against parasites in the body

One of the most popular folk remedies. In addition to helminths, it destroys microbes, viruses, fungi. In small doses, it is used for antiparasitic treatment in children.


  1. Garlic enema with water. Garlic heads are chopped, poured with unboiled water and insist. Then the resulting solution is filtered. Enemas should be done before bed, for a week.
  2. Garlic with cognac. You need to take 400 grams of garlic and pour a liter of quality cognac. Insist 3 weeks and drink once a day on an empty stomach. The tincture will last for 2 months. This is a complete cleaning course.


Another leader in the fight against helminths.You need to do an enema using 800 ml of water and 20 g of baking soda.A teaspoon of salt should also be added there. Heat the solution to a comfortable 42 degrees and inject into the intestine for half an hour. You need to perform the procedure every day. This course is 10 days.

Natural laxative

There are several types of foods that have a laxative effect and help cleanse the body. This includes:

  1. Kefir. It has a good effect on the condition of the intestines. To get the effect, just drink two glasses. Up to one liter of product can be used per day.
  2. Castor oil. You can use it no more than three days in a row. It is best used at night, so that the intestines normalize work until morning. In any case, there is free time of up to 5 hours. It is optimal to buy it in capsule form.

Sour juices are also used, for example, apples, rutabaga, cranberries. Experts recommend cleaning twice a year and avoiding harmful foods.