Treatment and prevention of parasites in the human body

Parasites — this is the simplest of the types of bacteria, which live at the expense of nutrients of another organism, the disease it. They feed on ready organic ingredients produced by the other.

parasites in the body

The tapeworm in the human gut. The increase of the head, connected to the intestine.

At the moment, there are more than twenty types of parasitic life forms that can dwell in the body of an animal or a person.

All of them can enter our body and cause a large number of diseases and infections. Often, the bacteria are common in children, they are not such a high level of immunity, when they had much contact with the animals and some dirty things.

Remember that the small child, many times, takes it all in her mouth?

These objects can be hazardous parasites. This article provides a classification of parasites in the human body, how to treat infectious diseases and what is necessary to avoid the entry of bacteria in your body.

Parasitic bacteria in the human body, in what organs can you live?

In the human body and on your skin are the most simple bacteria, they may be cells isolated and a lot of tissues in cell culture.

The parasites live in the body are called ectoparasites. To this type belong the bed bugs, lice and the like that cause scabies. Others call it endo parasites, as they live within the human body. These include the of an amoeba, worms and insect larvae.

Second, the most dangerous, while the first only unpleasant.

Internal parasites often cause a serious disease, and get rid of them the more difficult, than the external. The medicine has already found many ways to get rid of them, and also has a large experience in the treatment of parasites in the human body.

Each of the parasites has its perfect place in the body of a man, where they have all the conditions to the ambush style of life, or being, need nutrients for growth and reproduction. Some of them can move as you grow.

More often than endogenous parasite can be found in the intestine, muscles, blood, lungs, heart and liver. The species inhabit, even in fabrics neural. External parasites live on the skin.

parasites human

As the parasites can enter the body?

The first way is the entry of bacteria into the organism with food and water. Sometimes, he is infected or contaminated, therefore, begin to appear the micro-organisms. Insects, such as flies and cockroaches also move a lot of harmful bacteria. Some types of contaminated food, to initially fish, raw or untreated meat. Often the meat from cattle contaminated by pests, therefore, the person does not eat raw.

The second contact of plyfit-appliances. In this case, the parasites are transmitted from person to person, through household items or animals. Many times the infectious bacteria move the lights of pets — dogs, cats, birds and rats.

Third — transfer by means of the blood of mosquitoes. In a cold climate which rarely happens, the most commonly infected mosquitoes live in hot countries.
Fourth — let me be the entry of certain insects in the human body. They poke the epidermis and embedded in muscle tissue or in the blood, and are then forwarded to there, where for them the best conditions of the habitat.

What are the symptoms are observed when the presence of parasites?

The parasites in the human body can cause completely different symptoms of insomnia, which often goes unnoticed until the skin formations. For example, many times causing damage to the skin and the scab. Internal worms, microbes in the lungs, often cause a cough. When you find them in the intestines, you can bother constipation, vomiting or diarrhea.

But in general, the presence of parasites in the person of the following: insomnia, general fatigue, headaches, sometimes, allergic reactions. Very often people use home remedies, however, these are not always pleasant, such as, for example, not everyone will be able to drink a glass of juice of sauerkraut cabbage-worms.

Consider the symptoms, when there are different types of parasites:

  • the most common pests to man are worms or roundworm. They cause intestinal pain and stomach pain, irritability, insomnia and bouts of anxiety state, sometimes, dizziness. To detect them is quite simple, they can be seen in the stool or you get a positive result on an egg end-to-end,
  • then it is quite dangerous parasite freecell. It often causes discomfort or abdominal pain, diarrhea, ferocious appetite (you a lot of eats, but does not increase its weight), pain in the liver and the presence of the feces of their worms,
  • if you have worms in humans he is able to understand the loss of appetite, insomnia, nervous state and itching in the region of the anus.

They are dangerous parasites?

They break the work of organs cause inflammatory processes in the tissues and destroys them. Produce toxic substances, which destroy the body.

Prague, piggybacking onto the for you, is able to cause lack of vitamins, the total weakening and decline of immunity in adults and children. The presence of this parasite in children very dangerous, because they are very slow in their development. Many times to get rid of parasites in the body is difficult, as well as those that have the property of adapting to the environment and do not want to leave the habitual-their home.

How to be treated for parasites?

the treatment of parasites

To get rid of parasites, you should first consult your doctor. He will prescribe a particular drug or another, more a natural remedy.

There is, also, the treatment folk means, however, it is recommended to carry out in symbiosis with the drug means.

Medical treatment

The doctors have found an effective treatment against parasites of human beings.

Some of the medicines presented in the form of tablets, and the other in a different way, for example, liquid. The dosage defines only the doctor himself do this without side effects, is not possible. Also medications have age differences of patients, to those intended.

In today's world appeared an another way to make people improve of parasites. It is called oxygen and appeared recently, it is done only in hospitals under the supervision of a doctor. First, the patient makes the cleaning of the intestine with the help of an enema, then, are the oxygen, with the help of a probe. After the filling of the oxygen of the stomach and colon, the parasites die. With this method, cured the patient does not receive any effects of symptoms, unlike the method drug.

Parasites: fast treatment with the help of remedies

The parasites in the human body popular tools of looting, even some doctors recommend some natural remedies to get rid of such pests.

The most famous tool for the treatment of parasites are pumpkin seeds. They contain many nutrients beneficial to the man and his intestinal microbiota, but devastating for a more simple pest. To finally heal, eat 20 grams of pumpkin seeds on an empty stomach, in the morning, and, later, after 30 or 40 minutes, take a laxative.

As natural laxatives, you can use vegetable oil, the most common is the castor.

For the treatment of parasites, and the popular media that adults use specialty teas against intestinal worms, and after the colon cleansing enema. To prepare the broth can take wormwood, cloves, celandine, or tansy. They all have the sharp and bitter taste and, therefore, make the environment in the intestine are not suitable for the life of pests.

However, be on the lookout for used herbs, many of them forbidden for pregnant women.

The diet for the prevention of parasites

All I've ever seen, with the presence of parasites, you know how important it is to rehabilitation and prevention. For this, the doctor often assigns a special diet. Recommend the combination of power, when the carbs and proteins you eat each other. Because, if we eat them together, the stomach does not receive I need a sign, that you need to digest and what types of enzymes that are required.

Not until the end of the digested food is a great way of energy to parasites and, therefore, they continue to live and develop.

For example, the meat, the beans can not eat along with the potato, pasta or bread. It is best to combine them with the vegetables. If you want to eat carbs, and protein, among them it is worth to do 2 hours of interval.

Can not give up favorite sandwiches?

Eat them with vegetables, grilled. Often eat cereal, they cleanse the body.

the treatment folk means

The cleaning of the body

To cleanse and expel unwanted parasites from the body, help some plants that can be often found on sale in pharmacies, on the market or in the supermarket.

For the first method, you will need to peel the green walnuts. If you live in the region, certainly one can find trees of walnut and mount with them green fruit. Take 15 nuts, do the green peel and pour in vodka. Let the fermentation month, in a place dark and dry. Then, stir through a drop of dye on the floor a glass of water and drink.

Gradually, increase the dosage by one drop each day, for seven days. After this, so, gradually, increase the reception up to 2 x teaspoons, take the medicine a couple of times in a day. During the year to continue to take tincture 2 tablespoons, twice a day. It is a long course of purification, however, it is very effective.

A simplest way is the use of seeds of cloves. They need to grind up to a powder state. Simply take one and half teaspoon of powder. Within ten days, gradually reduce the dosage, at the end of the period, you must walk up to a teaspoon.

For bowel cleansing, help the variety of juices. For example, carrot, cucumber, lemon, beet, apple — all of these juices, when we drink on an empty stomach create a certain Wednesday, in the stomach and disintegration of the parasites from the body.